1. Introduction

Study shows around 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year in the world. EAT IT starts the movement against food waste and we want to forward the teachings of our Sikh Gurus in this modern age. That’s why EAT IT Mobile App has been developed by BATALVI SERVICES PRIVATE LTD, Amritsar, Punjab, India.

With this mobile app, every user can search langar (Free food) according to their location in the whole world.

EAT IT’s mission is to raise awareness of food waste by making surplus food available to others who need it by becoming its users.

We provide a platform for the user to place his or her reservation of surplus food so-called Free food from homes, shops, restaurants, hotels, etc.

This platform enables those who can make food from home and Donate this from home to all who need food.    

These terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to any food donation made through our website or application (the “Platform”).

Upon placing a donation (as defined below), the user confirms these Terms, and the user is thus obliged to read the Terms thoroughly before the user donates or collects food via the Platform.

EAT IT’s cookies and privacy policy are available at any time via the Platform and these form an integral part of these Terms and are accepted automatically upon acceptance of the Terms.

2. EAT IT Concept

The food is available for reservation on the Platform, and the user can reserve the food by placing a Reservation food (as defined below) via the Eat it app.

The food is reserved by the user when EAT IT confirms this through a Reservation Confirmation (as defined below).

When a user reserves a food, then the user undertakes to be present at the pickup place (Home/Restaurant) at the time of pickup (as defined below), and collect the food.

EAT IT is solely responsible for arranging the donation of Products via the Eat it app on behalf of a donor, and there is no contractual relationship between EAT IT and the donatory with respect to the Products or the donation of Products. EAT IT has no responsibility for the Products or the fulfillment of the agreement between the donor and the donatory.

EAT IT has no responsibility for the taste and quality of food. It’s the Donors’ responsibility to donate food of good quality. But the donatory can give feedback regarding food.

Eat it is not responsible for who comes to your home and collects food. It’s the Donor’s responsibility to check OTP or other information before you hand over food to others.

 3. Accept

Food reservation via the Platform, the Donatory confirms:

• to be legally able to enter into binding agreements,

• that free food via the app only takes place as part of a personal non-business purpose, and

By accepting these Terms, the user agrees to receive all relevant information in English. In addition, the user agrees that all agreements between the user and EAT IT as well as any related information necessary to perform the service are stored by EAT IT in accordance with EAT IT’s privacy policy.

The user accepts that all agreements between the user and EAT IT will be stored by EAT IT for a period of 5 years.

By accepting these Terms, the user further agrees to receive emails and text messages related to any reservation by the user. This is required to ensure that the user receives all material notifications related to his food.

EAT IT reserves the right to revise and change the Terms from time to time. The user’s food is subject to the Terms that apply at the time the user collects the food.

  1. Donated items must be safe and fit for consumption: Donors must ensure that the food items they donate are not expired, contaminated, or unfit for consumption. The donated items must be in good condition and free from any physical or chemical hazards.
  1. Donors must provide accurate information: Donors must provide accurate information about the donated items, including the type of food, expiry date (if applicable), and any special instructions or dietary restrictions.
  1. Donors must handle and transport (not mandatory) the donated items safely: Donors must take proper care in handling the donated items to ensure that they remain safe and fit for consumption. This includes storing the items at the correct temperature and avoiding cross-contamination with other foods.
  1. Recipients must accept the donated items: Recipients must accept the donated items in good faith, trusting that the items are safe and fit for consumption. The recipient has the right to refuse any donated item that does not meet the safety standards.
  1. The donation is voluntary and without expectation of compensation: Donating food items through the EATIT Android/apples application is voluntary and without any expectation of compensation. Donors cannot request or receive any form of payment or compensation for their donations.
  1. The Android/apple application is not liable for any harm caused by donated items: The EATIT Android/apple application is not responsible for any harm caused by donated items, including illness or injury resulting from the consumption of donated food items. The donors and recipients are solely responsible for ensuring the safety of the donated items.
  1. Donors and recipients must follow local laws and regulations: Donors and recipients must comply with all local laws and regulations related to food safety and donation.
  1. The EATIT Android/apple application is a platform for food donation: The EATIT Android application provides a platform for donors to donate edible items and for recipients to receive them. The application is not responsible for the quality or safety of the donated items.
  1. The EATIT Android/apple application respects the privacy of the donors and recipients: The EATIT Android application respects the privacy of the donors and recipients and will not disclose their personal information to any third party without their consent, except as required by law.
  1. The EATIT Android/apple application reserves the right to refuse or remove any donation: The EATIT Android/apple application reserves the right to refuse or remove any donation that does not meet the safety standards or violates any of the terms and conditions of the application. The application also reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

4. EAT IT’s contact information and customer service


Amritsar, Punjab


Social media

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and website: eatit.co.in

5. Products and Product Information

EAT IT’s role is solely to arrange the contact between the donor and the donatory and EAT IT has no responsibility with regard to the Products or the fulfillment of the contract between the donor and the donatory.

EAT IT makes, stores, prepares, produces, processes, brands, packages, delivers, or handles the Products in any way. EAT IT has no responsibility for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations to the donor/ donee regarding the Products, including manufacture, donate, collect, storage, preparation, production, processing, labeling, delivery, quality, ingredients, allergens, or handling of the Products, and compliance with applicable legislation, including with respect to the above, unless EAT IT is expressly designated as the manufacturer or donor of the Product on the Platform.

The user can find information about the Products and a description of the Products on the Platform. This information is for guidance only and for the purpose of providing the user with the best conditions for assessing selected Products before the Reservation is made. There may be cases where the Platform is not updated and where the actual product range, stocked goods, etc. is not as stated on the Platform. In such cases, EAT IT assumes no responsibility. The donor is responsible for providing information about the Products and for ensuring that they are in fact accurate and up to date. EAT IT does not assume any such responsibility and is therefore not responsible for the content or availability of information about the Products.

If the user is in doubt about allergy warnings, the content of a serving, or other relative information, the user must clarify his doubts directly with the donor before collecting the food. The user’s contact information is displayed on the Platform.

Upon Pickup (as defined below), the donor must provide the donee with information about ingredients, allergens, and other labeling-related information about the Product. All Products collection via the EAT IT platform must be consumed immediately after Pickup and/or as indicated on the Product or by the donor. In no event will EAT IT assume responsibility for the Products’ impact on the donor, including if the Products are consumed in accordance with the labeling of the Products or the information described in these Terms or provided directly by the Donor.

EAT IT is not responsible for any failure to perform or delay in the performance of obligations regarding the Products, including with respect to manufacturing, donation, collection, storage, preparation, production, processing, labeling, delivery, quality, ingredients, allergens, or handling of the Products.

6. Reservation of Products

A list of active donors/ food can be found in the application. If the user has allowed the application to use location service, the application will register the user’s location and a list of Donors near the donatory will be displayed.

Once the Donee has selected the food, the Donee is given the opportunity to submit his food by clicking on “reserve”, “place my reservation” or a similar button.

The list is created solely taking into account geographical criteria.

The listed donors are those active on the Platform. The delivery of Products on the Platform is only an option if the donor is comfortable with this.

A Reservation of food made by the user via the Platform (“Reservation Order”) is considered an offer from the Donee to the Donor to reserve a product.

7. Booking confirmation

Upon receipt of the Reservation of food, EAT IT will begin processing it by sending the reservation to the appropriate Donor. EAT IT notifies the Customer that the Reservation of food has been received (the “Reservation Confirmation”) and is being processed. Please note that any confirmation page that the Donee can visit on the Platform only indicates that the reservation has been received and processed, and the confirmation does not mean that the reservation has been accepted by the Donor.

The reservation confirmation must be saved by the Donee. The reservation confirmation will contain information about the donatory’s reservation.

Please note that the Booking Confirmation does not mean that the booking has been accepted, but is only a confirmation of receipt of the Booking Order.

8. Pickup

Products reserved on the Platform must be picked up by the Donee at the specified pick-up address (“Pick-up”). The pick-up time will usually be for a period of 30-60 minutes but can be both shorter and longer. Store description and details of when and where the products can be picked up appear on the Platform and are also stated in the Reservation Confirmation. If the donee arrives at the collection address before the specified collection time, the Donor can tell him or her to wait outside. Please note that if the Donee arrives late, the Donor may be closed, and/or the Product may be unavailable.

As the Products are perishable goods, and as EAT IT’s concept is to avoid waste of food, the Store is entitled to give the product to another Donee if the Donee does not Collect the food within the deadline specified in the Reservation Confirmation. In this case, EAT IT is entitled to charge the Purchase Price (as defined below) from the Customer.

Upon Collection, the Donor must show his Reservation Confirmation/ OTP in the EAT IT application to the Donor, after which they “swipe” the receipt and hand over the reserved Products. It is the donatory’s responsibility to ensure that the Reservation Confirmation in the application can be displayed at Pickup. The Donee is obliged to ensure that the Products delivered and the number of Products corresponds to the Donee’s reservation.

9. Price

Give free food to others (Donate food) and Langar is a completely free service on Eat it.

10. Payment

The user doesn’t need any credit card on Eat it Platform Because there are not any payment requirements on Eat it Platform.  

11. Right to complain

In the event of a complaint regarding a Product (including “Langar (free food)” and its contents), the Customer must direct the complaint to EAT IT’s customer service. we will handle all inquiries in accordance with EAT IT’s procedures, and any decision by EAT IT regarding the Product is left to EAT IT.

In the event that EAT IT’s processing of the Donee’s complaint is not to the Donee’s satisfaction, these Terms do not limit the powers available to the Donee to resolve the Donee’s dispute with the Store in accordance with applicable law. The service is covered by statutory consumer protection legislation and other legislation regarding the collecting of goods and provisions described herein regarding defects and delays.

All complaints are handled by EAT IT, and the user must direct complaints against EAT IT and not the Store.

The user must confirm the contents of the Products upon receipt.

In the event of a complaint, the user must contact EAT IT via the complaint link on the Platform and provide the requested information and information about the Products and why the user is dissatisfied. Upon receipt of the complaint, EAT IT will process the complaint in collaboration with the Store, if applicable, and the user will receive a response from us within 10 working days.

If the user is not satisfied with EAT IT’s response, the user can lodge a complaint with the relevant consumer protection authority (the Consumer Complaints Board).

12. Customer reviews

In particular (but not exhaustively), any reviews submitted by the user via the Platform may not:

• contain defamatory, obscene, or offensive material;

• promote violence or discrimination;

• infringe intellectual property rights of another person or legal entity;

• promote illegal activity or infringe on the privacy of others;

• give the impression that they originate from EAT IT; or

• used to appear to be from another person or to misrepresent an affiliation with another person.

EAT IT does not control, modify, or edit reviews, except that, EAT IT is entitled to remove or edit reviews submitted, uploaded, or transmitted to the Platform at any time if the reviews contain a violation of one or more of the above-mentioned conditions or are considered fraudulent.

The reviews on the Platform are for informational purposes only and do not constitute advice from EAT IT. Reviews reflect the opinions of user’s who have ordered through the Platform or other third parties, and any statements, advice, or opinions of such persons are solely derived from the users. Accordingly, EAT IT assumes no responsibility to any person for any reviews, including errors, defamation, obscenities, omissions, or inaccuracies that users may encounter in such reviews.

EAT IT has the right to save the reviews.

The Customer does not receive compensation or benefits by submitting reviews through the Platform.

There may be a delay between the submission of the notification and its publication.

13. Customer Behavior

The donatory is asked to show respect for the Donor as well as EAT IT’s staff.

The Donee is informed that in the event of inappropriate behavior towards the Donor’s place, the other Donee in the Donor’s place or EAT IT, or if the Donee commits a crime against or in the Donor’s place in connection with the Service or violates against the rules, EAT IT may, especially after complaints from the Donor, prohibit, exclude or suspend the Donee from the Platform and the Services. EAT IT’s intervention is irrelevant to the Store’s powers and rights.

14. Limitation of Liability

EAT IT is not liable for losses arising out of or in connection with (i) circumstances for which a Donor is responsible under the Agreement, (ii) errors by third parties or through unforeseen interruption of the availability of the Platform) ; (iii) content of sites to which the Platform links, including the accuracy of the linked sites and the data protection of such site; and (iv) similar events as set forth in (i) – (iii).

EAT IT is not responsible for errors or non-compliance with services if such errors are due to circumstances beyond EAT IT controls. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, disruptions in the operation of EAT IT as a result of legislation, acts of state or public authorities, acts of war, terrorism, strikes, physical blockades, lockouts, and natural disasters.

15. IP Rights

user may use the Platform, print, and download excerpts from the Platform for its personal non-commercial use under the following conditions:

• The user must not misuse the Platform (including hacking or “scraping”).

• Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Platform and in the material published in it (including, without limitation, photographs, and graphic images) are owned by EAT IT or EAT IT’s licensors. These rights are protected by copyright laws worldwide and all rights reserved. In connection with these conditions, any use of extracts from the Platform except in accordance with this provision is prohibited.

• user may not alter digital or hard copies of materials printed by him/her in accordance with this provision, and the user may not use images, photographs, or other graphics, video, or audio sequences separately from any accompanying text.

• The user must ensure that EAT IT’s status as the copyright holder of the material on the Platform is always recognized, informed, and referred to.

• The customer may not use the materials on the Platform for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of EAT IT.

Except as provided in this provision, the Platform may not be used and no part of the Platform may be reproduced or stored in any other Platform or included in a public or private electronic collection system or service without EAT IT’s prior written permission.

16. Venue

These Terms (and any reservation and purchase of Products via the Platform) are subject to the law of the country in which the company is located.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall – where such a dispute cannot be settled amicably – be settled by the court of the country in which the Store from which the reservation or purchase is made is situated.

Not with standing this, the Customer may always submit a complaint to the relevant consumer protection authority valid in the country where the Store from which the reservation or purchase is made is located.